Nexus Node Setup on VPS: A Complete Guide

Nexus Node Setup on VPS: A Complete Guide

Setting up a Nexus Node on your VPS involves several steps, from installing dependencies to configuring your Prover ID. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure smooth installation and operation.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Your VPS

Run the following commands to update and upgrade the system:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Step 2: Install Required Dependencies

Install essential tools and libraries with this command:

sudo apt install curl iptables build-essential git wget lz4 jq make gcc nano automake autoconf tmux htop nvme-cli pkg-config libssl-dev libleveldb-dev tar clang bsdmainutils ncdu unzip libleveldb-dev -y

Step 3: Install Rust

Set up Rust by executing:

sudo curl -sSf | sh  
source $HOME/.cargo/env  
export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"  
rustup update

Step 4: Install Protocol Buffers Compiler

Run the following:

sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler

Step 5: Install Screen

Install screen for session management:

sudo apt install screen

Start a new screen session for Nexus:

screen -S nexus

Step 6: Install Nexus CLI

Download and install the Nexus CLI:

sudo curl | sh

Configure Prover ID

  1. Obtain Prover ID:

    • Go to the Nexus beta website.

    • Inspect the local storage application to find the flutter.prover-id.

    • Copy the Prover ID.

  2. Edit the Prover ID Configuration:

     cd .nexus/  
     nano prover-id
    • Paste your copied Prover ID into the file.

    • Remove the default Prover ID.

    • Save changes by pressing CTRL+X, then Y, and hit Enter.

Running the Nexus Node

  1. Return to the home directory:

     cd $HOME
  2. Restart the Nexus installation script:

     sudo curl | sh

Useful Commands

  • Exit the screen session: Press CTRL+A+D.

  • Resume the screen session:

      screen -r nexus

By following these steps, your Nexus Node should be up and running smoothly. If you encounter any errors, use CTRL+C to stop and troubleshoot.

Let me know if further clarification is needed!